Hey there!

I'm Jen

Relentless optimist, hope-filled lover of light, mother of teens, collector of quotes, life-long learner, drawn to the ocean, lover of walking barefoot in the summer, fiercely loyal friend, and shorter than you think.

I will make you food if you're hungry.

a bit about me

My approach to photos

99% of people I photograph feel like they're awkward in photos. Like they

don't know what to do with their hands but also they forgot how they normally smile.


Don't worry. I know what to do.

The first ten minutes can be weird but really after that I promise we'll get to know each other and it'll all be fine. I'll tell you what to do with your hands and I'll make a dumb joke or trip or something and the ice will be broken and we'll all get along great. I'll pose you or give you some prompts and I promise promise promise I won't be bothered by your outfit questions, your creative swearing, or your child dumping dirt on their own head during the photos.

I want to creative a visual reminder of your life now, what you'd like to remember in years to come, not make you into some Pinterest perfect version of what someone else thinks you "should be". The messy, the hilarious, the poignant, the love.

Your life right now deserves to be documented.

It is quite literally a dream job of mine to be able to do this- photograph some of the best days of your life, and maybe some of the hardest, the most exhausting, but the

loveliest and most soul-filled.

I want to transport you back to that day,

to preserve part of your story for you to keep for always.

Photography is nothing if not empathy, seeing people as they are and meeting them there

I am a compilation of my experiences, books I've read, words I've chosen to say and the things I pay attention to. Lessons learned and shoes well worn.

my favorite things

wise quotes, books, walking to the gym, sparkling water, sunny days, nostalgic photos from the 70's, Hawaii's North Shore, a witty movie

life is beautiful and complicated

Your photographs should look like you, and tell your story, and not look like anyone else's.

Time is a thief. Take the picture.